Вертолетная экскурсия на Курильское озеро

Kuril Lake, one of Russia’s the most unique and sublime places, is located in the South Kamchatka Federal Sanctuary and was listed as a UNESCO World Natural Heritage Site in 1996.

The main means of traveling from the city to the lake is by helicopter. It often stops in Ksudach Caldera, for the tourists to enjoy the view of two lakes – Klyuchevskoye and Shtubel – and to ascend the volcano’s ridge. The travelers may also walk along the hot shores and bathe in the crystal clear water.

Finally, the helicopter arrives at Kuril Lake located in the crater of an extinct volcano. One thousand feet deep, with a water basin covering 48 square miles, this is the second largest freshwater lake in Kamchatka, after Kronotskoye Lake.   However, it t is number one in the sense of beauty and significance.

Kuril Lake is one of the largest salmon spawning grounds in the world. Many brooks and rivers flow into the lake, but only one river runs out of it – the Ozernaya River. It links Kuril Lake with the Sea of Okhotsk, providing a “highway” for spawning sockeye. Up to eight million salmon may run upstream and the seething river looks absolutely majestic!

All bears in Kuril Lake have a distinctive character: some try to catch salmon in the water, while others fish on the lake shores. During this season bears become more tolerant to each other, as there is enough fish for everyone. Nevertheless, the best fishing spots are controlled by mature males, while females with cubs, as well as young bears, catch salmon aside. They fish even when they are sated, and it seems they catch fish for the fun of it. First, bears eat fish whole, but then they pick only the most delicious and fattest parts, including eggs. For centuries, salmon has been the most important food for the Masters of Kamchatka, as it has provided them with fat and, thus, helped them to survive a long winter.

Modern technologies allow people to travel virtually. Everyone with Internet access can watch Kuril Lake on-line (www.geocam.ru/view/cam1661x4487_kurile_lake_webcam.html). The web camera is focused on the large and shallow sockeye spawning ground and the facilities used to monitor salmon during its run to the lake and its tributaries. The view is beautiful, but it will never convey the spirit of adventure that one may feel, while visiting the lake.