Popular tours

Пальмира, пассажирский катер Palmira, passenger boat Tel. +7-984-160-13-56
Яхта "Северный орёл" Comfortable Yacht «Severny Oryol» tel. +7 (914) 780-20-01
tel. +7 (914) 783-16-75
Восхождение на вулкан Горелый Trip to Gorely Volcano Trekking up Gorely is an interesting hike to view this very picturesque volcano
Восхождение на вулкан Мутновский Mutnovsky Volcano Mutnovsky is an ancient volcano
Трекинг к живописным водопадам горного массива Вачкажец Tour to the Vachkazhets Mountains This area is the most interesting for its botanical diversity
Восхождение на Авачинский вулкан Trek to Avacha Volcano Avachinsky Volcano - one of the most active volcanoes in Kamchatka
Восхождение на вулкан Ключевская сопка Climbing to Klyuchevsky Volcano

Kluchevskaya Sopka – the tallest active volcano in Eurasia

Маршрут к вулкану Бакенинг A Route to Backening Volcano Enjoy Kamchatka’s nature here for a several days’ rest on the picturesque lakeshore
Остров Старичков Starichkov Island Starichkov Island is treeless rocky atoll is a seabird rookery
Морские круизы Marine cruises Marine cruises are very popular with Kamchatka visitors and its residents
Снегоходные туры Snowmobile Tours Winter snowmobile tours give a wonderful opportunity to see Kamchatka! 
Охота на Камчатке Hunting in Kamchatka Kamchatka’s fauna abounds in animals and birds that may be of strong interest for hunters
Вилючинский вулкан Viluchinsky Volcano Vilyuchinsky Volcano’s regular cone, visible across Avacha Bay from Petropavlovsk­Kamchatsky
Вулкан Горелый Gorely Volcano The odd relief resembles moonscape with almost zero vegetation or animal life.